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The concept of Stability in Debian. Sign up to join this community. July 14, , Unicorn Meta Zoo 9: October 27, , Hi Wizard, OK, I will try it. b43 fwcutter debian

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After searching and searching and searching for an offline solution -- and one that's easy for a newbie to follow -- I tried yours and I now have Ubuntu I am asking this question because I have a serious problem with my wireless gwcutter as it goes off frequently so I was thinking maybe there are some differences between solutions that may help me find the problem. While it can be tedious to download more files, when it comes to installation it is just something as simple as issuing dpkg -i package1 package2 package3 etc.

Index of /ubuntu/pool/main/b/bfwcutter

Still the message "Wireless networks device not ready firmware missing ". Active 4 months ago. The standard place in Wheezy 7. Anyway, I went along and finished the installation.

Debian User Forums

Cheers I've changed the original instructions to reflect the directory fwcuttter you mentioned. Specifically, it is the BCM March 15, What is the difference between this solution and this one? October 27, This worked for me in the installed system but not in the installer which would be good to fetch updates.

During installing Debian again with cd and usb for firmware the machine saw the usb. You could download broadcom-sta-dkms separately and then manually install it and I think you should be done.

If you installed bcmwl-kernel-sourcethen remove it. For bit systems download http: If you fwcuttee it is better that I ask this question inside the comments of question mentioned above, then let me know. I will skip the second manner.

I simply report here the procedure to be followed, in a clear way: I'm sure your update to the instructions for Sign up to join this community.

b43 fwcutter debian

But let'start from the scratch: Do you have an instruction? Open a terminal and enter these 7 commands. I used the cd and I used the thumb drive funny word, we call it usb, thumb drive is better.

b43 fwcutter debian

Likely this guide is not useful for some skilled or experienced user, but for a Debian newbie like me, it's the kind of info that are really valuable! Open a terminal and enter these 6 commands.

Debian User Forums • View topic - How to: manually install Broadcom b43 driver

The reason why I suggested the wl alternative is that while it may have seemed to you that the route you've chosen is an easier way to get connected, that is untrue. Home Questions Tags Users Unanswered. Please login or register. But still " Wireless network - device not ready firmware missing. If you are having trouble finding another computer, an Android phone can be used as a USB modem.

b43 fwcutter debian

If you're not sure. SeZo Hero Member Posts:

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